2009년 5월 2일 토요일


Translator damn hard and annoying!!!!!!!!!!111111

And...ETA still a goood person~!
Thank you for coming to my blog~~!

I'll study hard in English TT


:) This makes it too difficult to type emoticons. I think ^ ^ This is more easy..
^*^!! *^^*
;;...'_' "+"@_@..

댓글 5개:

  1. WWWOWWW! What a honour! You tell about me in your post! :)
    English is difficult for me too, don't worry...

    Your drawing is just a bit crazy! Good!!!

    Hey, see you soon!

  2. I really appreciate you reply!
    I Hard to make a blog for your Reply.
    And Drowing that makes it hard!

    Thank you for your compliment!


  3. You're extremely gentle! :)
    Thank you very much!

    I appreciate your reply on my blog too! :)

  4. thank to you
    visit my brandnew hompage!kk
